Religious Education

Religious Education 2024/2025 Grades K-7 and Confirmation Candidates Grade 8+
(if you are currently enrolled as second year Confirmation students, you do not need to re-register)

September 15th – Sharon Watts will be available after Mass for registration until 12:30pm for those who were not able to attend the weekend before.

October 6th – First Day of Classes for K-7 (based on Catechist Schedule and if we have Catechists in place for each class)

 Confirmation Class schedule will be provided by Margie Snell

Holy Family Church is always looking for committed catechists (teachers) who are able to lovingly, patiently, and energetically share with our children about the love Jesus Christ has for each of us, to help prepare our children for the reception of the sacraments, and to instill in them knowledge and love of our Catholic faith. We understand that the lessons are important. Equally important is your presence, attitude, and kindness in creating a community with the Children and youth of love, acceptance, and respect.

Our Current Needs
We have the following openings:  Grade 1; Grade 6 and Grade 7.

Each class is required to have two unrelated adults in the room each week. The Catechist and an adult volunteer. If this cannot occur each week, there will be no class held.

Please consider volunteering as a catechist and/or adult volunteer to share your faith with our children and youth as you, too, grow in your faith and share that journey with the future of our church!

Each teacher and parent volunteer are required to attend the Responsible Ministry session and complete registration forms along with providing a recent police check.

For more information, please email Sharon Watts: The Parish office will forward emails to Sharon.