Coldest Night of the Year

This Saturday at 5pm the Confirmation Class will be participating in the Coldest Night of the Year Walk. The walkathon is to raise money to support the John Howard Society of Fredericton and their work with people in our community experiencing hurt, hunger and homelessness.

As Christians, social justice is an essential part of Catholic Social Teaching. If you google social justice, it is described in simple terms as ‘emphasizes fairness in how society divides its social resources’. The seven principles of social justice include: respect for the human person, common good, promotion of the family, individual’s right to own property, subsidiarity, the dignity of work and works and pursuit of peace and care for the poor.

Mother Teresa devoted her life to bring social justice to the poor, the outcast and the unloved. She wanted to live as Jesus would live treating everyone she met as equals, as they would want to be treated.

“The poor are thirsty for water but also for peace, truth and justice. The poor are naked and need clothing but also need human dignity and compassion for those who sin. The poor have no shelter and need shelters made of bricks, but also of a joyful heart, compassionate and full of love. They are sick and need medical attention, but also a helping hand and welcoming smile.

The outcasts, those who are rejected, the unloved, prisoners, alcoholics, the dying, those who are alone and abandoned, the marginalized, the untouchables and lepers…, those in doubt and confusion, those who have not been touched by the light of Christ, those starving for the word and peace of God, sad and afflicted souls…, those who are a burden to society, who have lost all hope and faith in life, who have forgotten how to smile and no longer know what it means to receive a little human warmth, a gesture of love and friendship – all of them, they turn to us to receive a little bit of comfort. If we turn our backs on them, we turn our backs on Christ.”
–Mother Teresa

There is still time to donate:  Click below to donate directly to the Holy Family St. Kateri confirmation class team.

Funds raised from Coldest Night of the Year help the John Howard Society of Fredericton provide services that otherwise would not be available. Please support our students who are helping bring dignity to those who have lost all hope.