Symbols of Lent - Week 6


Palms are sacramental, this is, signs which bear a resemblance to The Sacraments.

Each year on Palm Sunday, new palm branches are blessed and are carried home by the faithful as a symbol of Christ’s presence in the place where they live. 

Symbols of Lent - Week 5


In the Gospel accounts of the Last Supper, Jesus calls…(not simply invites) those at the table to share in the breaking of bread.

The bread is unleavened. This action and His words are part of every Mass.

Symbols of Lent - Week 4


The fragile flame of a candle is a silent symbol that speaks of hope, gladness, warmth, learning and love.

We pray that the flame of faith will be kept burning brightly. 

Symbols of Lent - Week 3


In the time of Jesus, many kinds of water purifications were practiced. A ritual washing was required before eating.

Christian baptism is more than a cleansing. Baptism signifies a dying (i.e. drowning) to one way of living and rising to a new way of life

Symbols of Lent - Week 2

White Garment 

The use of the white garment at baptism dates back to the early days of Christianity.

After those who had been baptized from the baptismal pool, each was clothed in a new white garment.

The white garment symbolized their new life.

Symbols of Lent - Week 1


In cathedrals around the world, Bishops bless the holy oils at the Chrism Mass celebrated on Holy Thursday. These sacramental oils are:

    a) The Oil of Catechumens
    b) The Oil of the Sick
    c) The Oil of the Chrism

After the Chrism Mass, each Parish receives a portion of each blessed oil.