NOTE: Religious Education classes resume on Sunday, Oct. 20th.
October 6th, 10:00 to 10:45 am, is the first day of classes for the following grades:
Kindergarten/Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 4/5
Grade 6/7
*Please note Grade 3 will begin October 20th
(to be confirmed by Catechist)
Please watch for an initial email from Sharon Watts, Religious Education Coordinator, announcing Catechists/Adult Volunteers for each class.
Registration is ongoing if you had not had an opportunity to register your child(ren).
If you have any questions, please email Sharon Watts: The Parish office will forward emails to Sharon.
1500 Hanwell Road
Fredericton, NB, E3C 1N3
Phone: (506) 444 6021